Made with 5 mm thick galvanized rod and 100×100 mm mesh, the fall arrest gratings have been sized to withstand the fall of a man in work trim for a maximum width of 250 cm.
Mega snc a Vestone in provincia di Brescia esegue lavorazioni meccaniche di metalli su centri di lavoro e macchine transfer.
Il ciclo di produzione può iniziare da profili speciali, pezzi torniti o stampati, pressofusi e forgiati.
I nostri clienti operano in numerosi settori merceologici:
-maniglie e ferramenta per porte
-minuterie metalliche
-nautica ecc.
Eseguiamo lavorazioni come forature, filettature, fresature, maschiature, su differenti metalli, dall’ottone, all’acciaio, bronzo, rame, alluminio e le
sue leghe.
M.E.G.A.'s new investment to meet the demands of a growing market concerns the welding department, which is capable of cladding all parts produced (e.g. internal/external of forgings, flange surfaces and fittings, etc.).
In Maestrelli eseguiamo anche la rettifica per piani: il passaggio macchina singolo garantisce la massima coerenza di tutte le quote richieste. Effettuiamo controlli della lavorazione con la macchina di misura a coordinate 3D Tigo SF.
Nasce dalla distillazione di pregiate uve bianche, mature e profumate, che ne caratterizzano l’originalità.
La sua freschezza aromatica deriva dalla purezza della materia prima, solo acini della migliore uva a perfetta maturazione, e dal metodo di lavoro esclusivo e rigoroso in ogni fase produttiva dalla vendemmia alla fermentazione, fino alla distillazione. Prime Uve è un distillato prezioso, profumato e morbido, che si consiglia di servire a fresca temperatura.
Capacità:3 ltl
Gradazione:39% vol
The aim of R45 spider excavator is to have a high ratio power/weight. With a weight of 4000 Kg, it can be carried by helicopter and the Kubota engine of 67 Hp has enough power to allow the installation of a forestry mulcher.
Sanatrock SA
Binder mix, additive, to add to the preset quantity of clean and selected sand, to prepare on site for macro-porous, dehumidifying, restorative plasters, in bio-architectural works and renovation of ancient and/or monumental buildings.
It is a mix of a high action dehumidifier, ready to use, only mix with water with a NHL natural hydraulic lime base, Botticino, kaolin, silicate and lime aggregates, mineral fibres and specific agents. It is a mix , together with the adequate inert substances, that enables plaster to be created with high breathability, free of cement, resins or solvents and radio-emitting agents, in compliance with bio-architectural parameters.
Breathable dehumidifying plaster on the walls (on adding aggregates).
Prepare the surface to plaster by removing, if present, the existing plaster, up to a height over approx. 50/100 cm compared to the line of persistent damp. The walls for application should in any case be clean, intact, free of containment, dust, flaking or inconsistent parts, conveniently saturated with water (saturated to dry surfaces). In the presence of saline efflorescence, accurately remove it and give a preventive treatment with a spray application of Sanareg. Then, a subsequent preliminary construction of a rough coat with breathable grip, with the specifically prepared Untersana, or "spraying" (here and there) the same mix as described below.
Prepare the plaster by firstly placing in the mixer approx. 2/3 water for the necessary mix, and then respectively adding Sanatrock SA and clean, select sand with the desired granulometry (you are advised to use sand with a maximum diameter of up to 2-3 mm). For packaging in the warehouse, comply with the following use instructions:
- kg15 Sanatrock SA
- kg 35-40 sand with a max granulomety 2-3 mm.
- litres 12-13 of water (the quantity of water can decrease according to the humidity in the sand used).
During preparation of the mix, pay attention and add the useful amount of water to obtain an even and creamy mix with the weight/litre of approx 1.3 – 1.5 Kg. This objective is however very easy to reach with minimum attention to the useful mixing time.
On the wall, previously make adequate “level stops” (strips are recommended using mortar obtained or wooden boards adequately placed in position and to plumb).
Apply the product with a trowel with a total thickness of approx 2-3 cm. Do not carry out any finishing, smoothing or crushing operation with the trowel or the blade of the mortar applied. Strike the “level stops” leaving the surface rough and leave to harden as is. Skim and finish the following day, possibly with the specific Sanastof dehumidifying coat or definitively with a skim coat with a breathability index (μ) under 11.
Normally for a building site cement mixer with 200 litres, you are advised to initially add 100 kg of Sanatrock SA, 225 kg of sand and 45 litres of water. During mixing, add water to the mix until you reach the desired consistency (based on the humidity rate of the sand used you may need more or less litres of water). The water normally necessary in the mix is around 16-18% in weight compared to the total weight of the mix (Sanatrock SA + sand). Continue to mix until you obtain an even mix free of lumps. With a 25 kg bag of Sanatrock SA you can normally plaster 3.5 m² of wall at 2 cm thick.
Apply the mix obtained using a trowel or plastering machine. Finish with skimming systems that are definitely breathable, such as Sanastof.
With no. 1 25 kg bag of Sanatrock SA normally 3.5 m² of wall with 2 cm of thickness can be plastered (see dosage of additional components in the technical data sheet of the product).
Bag 15 kg - Pallet 750 kg
Scala a castello con inclinazione 45 gradi conforme a D.lgs 81/2008 e ISO 14122.
Le nostre scale a castello sono realizzate con materiali certificati e di alta qualità. Curate nei dettagli, offrono una sicurezza di salita maggiore rispetto alla concorrenza perchè il gradino è realizzato con uno scatolato estruso di alluminio 200x30mm con una superficie antiscivolo che garantisce un'ottima presa e appoggio del piede anche in caso di maltempo
Gradini antiscivolo in alluminio estruso 200×30 mm con
zigrinatura UltraGrip
Corrimano da Ø 40 mm per una presa sicura ed ergonomica
Passerella in alluminio con zigrinatura antiscivolo
Lunghezza passerella a scelta da 400 a 3000 mm
Fermapiede a norma di legge facile da installare
Altezza parapetto 1100mm
Inclinazione 45° per accesso confortevole
Staffe di fissaggio in acciaio INOX
Montante laterale in alluminio estruso 88×35
Tappi di chiusura in PA6 avvitati per evitare accumulo di
polvere e tagli
Telaio munito di ruote posteriori
Altezza scala:300 a 1500 mm
Larghezza Gradino:600, 800, 1000 mm
Lunghezza piattaforma:400 a 3000 mm